Behind the Silent Ranks
My Photo
Silent Ranks Photography
Baumholder, Germany
My name is Amber. I am 28 and I am a mother to 3 beautiful children and a wife to a wonderful man in the military. I have wanted to be a photographer it seems like forever and I am finally trying to live out my dream. I work with many different programs to achieve my portraits. As well as taking pictures, I am going to school also for Medical Coding and Billing.
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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Easter session with Bee's Bowtique models!

My friend Deirdre, makes some ADORABLE outfits for kids! Her daughter is the model for her shop, and Brayden got to be the boy model for the day! The clothes are totally cute and I recommend her custom outfits to any of my friends! You can visit her shop here: Bee's Bowtique