Behind the Silent Ranks
My Photo
Silent Ranks Photography
Baumholder, Germany
My name is Amber. I am 28 and I am a mother to 3 beautiful children and a wife to a wonderful man in the military. I have wanted to be a photographer it seems like forever and I am finally trying to live out my dream. I work with many different programs to achieve my portraits. As well as taking pictures, I am going to school also for Medical Coding and Billing.
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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Stephanie Champy’s Homecoming

Monday, November 7, 2011

New backround :)

So yesterday I had an awesome find! A free backround! I love the pattern on it and of course, it needed to be tested out. That’s the my little man is for! I also bought some new hardwood flooring. All and all it think it looks nice together Smile



Saturday, October 29, 2011

Homecoming in Baumholder, Germany

This is the third homecoming that I went to, and the first one that wasn’t my own. I was just as emotional and excited though. I was so grateful for the opportunity to take some photos that will be a memory you will never forget. Here are some of the shots I took from yesterday.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It’s been a while since I updated on here

So I have officially MOVED to Germany! I have been here for about 2 months. It’s not so bad!

I don’t get out of the house much because I haven’t took the test for my German license yet.

I really need to though!

Today I finally broke out my equipment. I haven’t had it out since July 2011. Here it is almost at the end of October!

I was feeling a bit rusty at it, but all and all I think I got a few great shots of my son, Brayden.





Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Easter pictures from the Gardner children

I have a few Easter pictures of Reighliee and Brayden to share. My oldest, Jamison wasn't that interested in posing for pictures for me this year. I'm thinking it is because I have been in front of him with a camera for 8 years now! lol Enjoy and I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Easter session with Bee's Bowtique models!

My friend Deirdre, makes some ADORABLE outfits for kids! Her daughter is the model for her shop, and Brayden got to be the boy model for the day! The clothes are totally cute and I recommend her custom outfits to any of my friends! You can visit her shop here: Bee's Bowtique

Friday, March 25, 2011


We welcomed home our Hero after a year long deployment! I am so VERY PROUD of my husband. He truely is A-mazing.

Your "Silent Ranks" photographer, Amber.
My husband and Hero, Joshua.
And our precious baby boy, Brayden.