Behind the Silent Ranks
My Photo
Silent Ranks Photography
Baumholder, Germany
My name is Amber. I am 28 and I am a mother to 3 beautiful children and a wife to a wonderful man in the military. I have wanted to be a photographer it seems like forever and I am finally trying to live out my dream. I work with many different programs to achieve my portraits. As well as taking pictures, I am going to school also for Medical Coding and Billing.
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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It’s been a while since I updated on here

So I have officially MOVED to Germany! I have been here for about 2 months. It’s not so bad!

I don’t get out of the house much because I haven’t took the test for my German license yet.

I really need to though!

Today I finally broke out my equipment. I haven’t had it out since July 2011. Here it is almost at the end of October!

I was feeling a bit rusty at it, but all and all I think I got a few great shots of my son, Brayden.



