Behind the Silent Ranks
My Photo
Silent Ranks Photography
Baumholder, Germany
My name is Amber. I am 28 and I am a mother to 3 beautiful children and a wife to a wonderful man in the military. I have wanted to be a photographer it seems like forever and I am finally trying to live out my dream. I work with many different programs to achieve my portraits. As well as taking pictures, I am going to school also for Medical Coding and Billing.
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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bee's Bowtique

With homecoming approaching, I wanted to find Brayden the perfect outfit for when he sees his Daddy again. The last time they were together, Brayden was only 2 weeks old! He will be 8 months old when he returns. So I turned to a friend who makes and sells clothing for children! I had bought Brayden's Christmas stocking from her as well and LOVED it! I also bought a little ACU dress and bows for a baby shower gift. Please check her out for any custom items you can think of! or find her on Facebook!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Best Bathroom Picture

So my friend (and fellow photographer) Mandy was over at the house yesterday. And while in the bathroom she saw a picture of my son Brayden in his diaper in there. That's when it came to her. She said that I should stack up some toilet paper and take pictures of Brayden with them to hang in my bathroom! haha Needless to say, that night I got out my camera and the extra TP and sat my little naked baby man on the backround with it. He is such a ham! And I swear he could be the next Gerber baby. Or maybe I am biased since I am his Mommy. Seriously though, he is the most happy baby I know! Thank you Mandy for the idea! This is so getting printed and framed for my bathroom!

Troup Family Session

Tonights session was an absolute blast! James and Madison were such a joy to photograph. They were up for any pose and even contributed some of their own styles too. Not bad for an almost 8 and almost 4 year old :) Their mom wrote on my facebook page that they were even talking about the session on the way home. All and all, a VERY successful session!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Brayden's Mini Session

Today I got my new lighting for the inhome studio. And of course, Brayden is my little guinea pig for when I want to test something new. When I got everything set up, I was missing a part and the 3rd light doesn't work. Pretty upset about all of that. But I still manage to take some pretty awesome pictures!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Boudoir Session

Today I had a Boudoir session which was fun! Who doesn't like to get dressed up (or down for this matter) and look playfully sexy? With so many costumes and different posing options there were so many to choose from! And let's just say these pictures are going to make some lucky guy really happy! :)

Here are a couple previews from todays session.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Smash the Cake 1st Birthday Session

So I did my first "smash the cake" session for Austin's first birthday photos. I expected a mess. A soon to be 1 year old and the fact that he was allowed to get messy with the cake. Well, it was new to him too. He got 4 little fingers in it and that was it. Either way, we had a good session! Thank you for coming to Silent Ranks for this special occasion Austin!